We welcome you to explore these views into the ongoing history of the university, as captured by our communities through photographs, maps and plans, artwork, physical artifacts, books, video and audio. Contributors to this site include the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto Archives and Record Management Services, University of Toronto Missauaga Library and the University of Toronto Scarborough Library.
If you have material or stories that you would like to share here, please contact us to find out how.
U of T Archives
2021笔记本行业展望 除了5G、折叠屏还有什么? - huanqiu.com:2021-2-3 · CES上亮相的5G笔记本联想YOGA 5G搭载高通骁龙8cx处理器,支持毫米波和sub-6G网络,可提供约4Gbps的下载速度,预计会在Q1内发售。5G高速网络连接与高 ...
The Bible as Literature: The Northrop Frye Lectures and Programs
Robert Landsdale Fonds
St. George Campus
University of Toronto Scarborough Library
Heritage U of T Videos
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
University of Toronto Mississauga
5G主流机型异军突起 骁龙765G堪称制胜法宝_北方号_北方 ...:2021-4-14 · 原标题:5G主流机型异军突起骁龙765G堪称制胜法宝【PChome手机频道报道】2021年的手机市场,5G手机会占据很大的比例,这点我伔从在今年新发布的多款手机中就能看出,高端机型已经全面5G化,而面向大众用户群体的主流型手机中,也开始呈现出这种趋势,尤其是在2021元至4 -
U of T: Snapshots of its History
This exhibition, “The University of Toronto: Snapshots of its history”, was mounted in the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library in 2002 as a part of the University’s 175th anniversary celebrations. It complemented the launch in March of Martin Friedland’s The University of Toronto: a history, the first such history to appear in seventy-five years. -
The Discovery of Insulin
The discovery of a life-saving treatment for diabetes at the University of Toronto in 1921 made headlines worldwide and was formally acknowledged just two years later when the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to two of the team members. An illustrated timeline of the most significant events that led to the discovery and initial dissemination of insulin is provided here, and the full story with thousands of the original archival documents is available through the UTL's digital special collection entitled The Discovery and Development of Insulin. -
by Harold Averill,
University of Toronto ArchivesTimeline compiled by
Emily Sommers,
University of Toronto Archives